Monday, August 16, 2010

"Pocket" Cookies

#4 ALWAYS has something in his pocket. If fact, we have noticed that sometimes when his pants don't have pockets, he puts things in his waistband to hold on to. Most often it's lego guys. So, for his birthday thank yous, we made sugar cookie pockets with lego pieces and nail polish in them. He was thrilled.

Baptism Cake

#3 wanted his birthday cake to remind him of his baptism since he turned 8 this year. He designed it, and we decorated together. His aunts added the sparse hair to Noah's dad. :)

Thalia's Pine Tree

Allie helped us make this one. Lots of layers and green frosting, a small toy dragon (to guard the Golden Fleece), chocolate covered marshmallow pinecones, and said fleece formed from starburts. A huge "Lightning Thief" series success.